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Your situation is a very common one – so common, in fact, that the term “Disneyland dad” has been coined to refer to divorced fathers who spoil their children when they are with him.

The children often love the attention and the gifts, and a mom may feel like she can’t compete. Money may be tight and she may not believe that buying things is good for the children anyway.

Unfortunately, there’s probably not a whole lot you can do to stop the behavior. The best things to do would be to talk to him about it.

Explain that while it may seem like he is helping his relationship with the kids by showering them with gifts, he is actually hurting them in the long run. However, it’s probably unlikely you will get anywhere.

Now that you are divorced, you cannot control how he spends his money.

You also cannot take him to court. Challenging a custody agreement on the basis of spoiling the children would likely be dismissed, and you could end up paying his attorney’s fees.

Courts are concerned with more serious issues involving the children.

What you should do it talk to your children. Tell them you love them but you do not choose to spend your money in frivolous ways.

Show them how to make a budget, and they will learn how to handle money responsibly from your example.