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Yes, it is possible that your child support can be modified in Florida.

In order for the amount of child support that is owed to be modifiable, it must be proven that there is a substantial change in circumstances. You cannot seek to modify the child support if everything with the situation has stayed the same but you are not happy with the amount that you are paying.

There are a number of circumstances that could qualify as a substantial change. FCan I Get The Amount Of Child Support I Pay In Florida Decreased? How Do I Do That?irst, there could be a change in the income of either parent. This is typically the most common reason for a change in child support. If either parent’s income changed significantly, there could be a change in child support – it could either decrease or increase.

Also, a change in the amount of parenting time could support a change in the child support. For example, if child support has been based on one parent spending 75 percent of the time with the children, and the other spending 25 percent, but the parents in reality share time equally, the child support could be modified.

In addition, the child support could be changed based on a change in expenses.

Normally, the parent who wants to modify child support files a petition with the court. The court may order mediation, or could set a date for a court hearing on the issue. If the case goes to mediation, the parties may be able to reach an agreement on modifying child support. If the case goes in front of the judge, each party will present evidence about why the child support should or should not be modified.
