Initial Consultation (727)-862-4411

That sounds like a bad situation.

Your ex refuses to pay alimony or child support, which has caused you to lose your home. It sounds like the only place you can go is to move in with family members who do not live in your area.

Unfortunately, Florida law says that if a custodial parent wants to move the children more than 50 miles away for any period of more than 60 days, the other parent must agree. If the other parent agrees, the parents will file an agreement with the court.

If the parents don’t agree, the court will hold a hearing. The judge will decide whether or not to allow the move. If the judge feels that the move is not in the best interests of the children, the judge may not approve the move.

In your situation, it’s highly likely that a judge would be sympathetic to your situation. You should file an emergency petition asking that the court modify your custody order right away, since you will soon be without a home.

At the same time, you should seek enforcement of the child support and alimony. The judge can take certain actions in order to enforce the child support, such as garnishing wages, seizing personal property, and more.
