Initial Consultation (727)-862-4411

Long-distance visitation can be done a number of ways. If the children are small and cannot travel on an airplane alone, one of you or a trusted family member would have to accompany them. You can ask that your ex pay that expenses or agree to share it. You can fly to where the children are and stay with them. You could agree to drive and meet halfway.

You will need to work out a plan you are both comfortable with. If your ex is asking you to allow them to move out of state, you may ask for a large chunk of time in the summer and on other school breaks. You can ask for virtual visits on a regular basis using Skype or web cams, as well as phone calls.

However, you do not have to agree to let the children move away with your ex. Although you may get to spend large amounts of time with them in the summer, not seeing them in person or spending time with them in person may be damaging to your relationship.

You may feel that if they start a new life in another state that they will not consider you a regular part of their lives anymore. Although it’s important to maintain an amicable relationship with your ex for the sake of the children, you do not have to agree to a request that will separate you from your children.

If you do not agree, your ex will be forced to go to court to prove why the move would be in the best interests of the children. You will need to present a strong showing about why the move should not be allowed and would be damaging. For that hearing, you need an attorney who can evaluate your case and help you make a strong showing.
