Initial Consultation (727)-862-4411

In some cases, divorces involving children that should be amicable turn ugly. One example is when parents refuse to do what they had originally agreed to in the divorce. A common example is when one parent, who agreed to do some or all of the driving to facilitate the custody agreement, later refuses.

Hopefully, in your situation your court order says that your ex must drive halfway for visitation with the children. If you do not have a court order or a signed agreement from him that says your ex has to drive halfway, legally he has no obligation to do so.

In that case, the only way you can make him drive halfway is either to get him to agree to do so voluntarily, or by taking him to court, which may not be easy. If you do have a court order, or another writing signed by him, which states he is to drive the children halfway, and he refuses to do so, you can take him to court for violating the order.

It would be easier and less expensive to get him to agree to begin driving the children than it would be to take him to court. A court hearing can be not only expensive but also time-consuming and emotionally wrenching. If you tell him that he is in violation of the court ordered custody agreementand you are going to take him to court if he doesn’t start driving immediately, that may be the incentive he needs to start driving as he is supposed to.

I’m sorry to hear that you are having these issues with your ex. Divorce is almost never easy, and it becomes more difficult when children and an uncooperative ex are involved.
