Initial Consultation (727)-862-4411

Normally, if you move away without getting your child’s father to agree, you are in violation of the court’s order. You are essentially kidnapping your child, which can have very negative consequences for you.

You could face criminal charges, as well as lose custody of your child as a result of your actions.

If you want to move away from Florida, and the other parent of your child has not agreed, you have a couple of options. First, you can get him to agree. This may be difficult – he may not want his child to move away, or he may not care but may refuse to agree to make your life difficult.

It’s much easier if you can get him to agree. You may offer to reduce his child support payment. You may also agree to let your ex have more time with the child at other times, such as over summer break when the child is out of school.

If the other parent simply refuses, you will have to go to court. You would need to show the court why the move would be in the best interests of your child. The court will not be concerned with whether the move is in your best interest, but instead what is best for the child.

You could show that the move would allow your child to be surrounded by extended family members, or that it would allow you to relocate to take a better-paying job to support your kids, which would provide more financial security for the child.

If you wish to move away and the other parent will not agree, it’s important that you present a strong case in court showing why you should be allowed to move. An experienced Florida custody attorney can help you present a strong case.
