Initial Consultation (727)-862-4411

Divorces in Florida don’t have to take a long time, but often they do. One party may be dragging his or her feet, the attorneys may be taking their time, or the negotiations may be at a stalemate.

In the meantime, the spouses often feel that their lives are on hold until they get all of these issues resolved. It can be a very frustrating situation. In some cases, a spouse may need certain issues decided before the divorce is final. There are several types of temporary relief that can be requested from divorce court in Pasco County.

First, you can ask for temporary custody, temporary child support and temporary exclusive use of your marital home. If there are minor children involved, they need to be supported financially and have a designated parent in charge.

If you need money to pay your bills, or if you can’t financially afford an attorney during the divorce, and your spouse has the financial ability to give you money, the court could award temporary alimony and temporary attorney’s fees. This is based on the court’s discretion, and the person requesting it normally must show the need is there and that the other spouse has the ability to pay.

Divorces sometimes get nasty, especially where the kids and money are concerned. If you believe that your spouse will either spend or hide marital assets, you may be able to get certain assets frozen so that your spouse doesn’t have the ability to spend them or hide them. If you believe your spouse will take the children from the state or hide them, you may be able to get a temporary restraining order forbidding the spouse from taking the children out of the state or area.
