Initial Consultation (727)-862-4411

If you have visitation rights with your children, your ex-spouse cannot leave the Pasco Couny area with the children without your permission. If your ex has sole custody of the children, he or she can move away without your permission.

If you find out that your ex has plans to move away, you can file a petition in family court asking to prevent the move. He or she would have to prove in court that the move would be in your children’s best interest, and that you would have enough access to your children to be able to continue your relationship. The court would then decide to either allow the move or prohibit the move.

If your ex has already moved away with the kids without your permission, your ex could be in legal hot water. You will have to file an emergency petition in court and ask that your ex be forbidden from leaving the state. If your ex leaves with your children without your knowledge or permission, that can be considered kidnapping, and you could wind up with full custody of your children.

If your ex has threatened to move away with the kids, or has already moved away, you need an attorney right away. An attorney can help with preventing the move or with petitioning the court to get your kids back. Now is not a time to attempt to serve as your own attorney.
