Initial Consultation (727)-862-4411

The COVID-19 pandemic is creating a great many challenges for many of us. If you were recently laid off, furloughed, or otherwise experienced a significant change in income due to the virus, you may have trouble faithfully fulfilling the duty you have to your former spouse. You cannot simply stop paying alimony. If you do so, you will still be obligated to make these payments and, moreover, you may suffer some additional penalties, so it is crucial to act fast and ensure the court is aware of your financial hardships.

One of the easiest ways to navigate this situation is by addressing it with your former spouse. If you are friendly enough terms and can reach an agreement, it will speed up the process. However, you will still need the court’s approval to ensure it is enforceable.

Requesting a Modification

In Florida, if you wish to modify alimony and cannot reach an agreement with your former spouse, you can petition the court. However, you must prove that the changes were involuntary and significant. For example, if you were laid off because your employer could no longer afford to keep you employed due to the pandemic, a judge would likely consider this a valid reason for seeking a modification.

That said, it is crucial not to hold off on filing for a modification. The court has the ability to modify your alimony obligation retroactively to the date you filed your petition. Therefore, regardless of court closures, if your petition is successful, you can save yourself a vast amount of financial hardship. To ensure the success of your post-divorce modification case, however, you must hire a knowledgeable family law attorney as soon as possible to represent and guide you throughout the process.

Set Up a Consultation with Our Experienced Family Law Attorney for the Help You Need

If you are unable to continue paying alimony due to a recent change in circumstances caused by the COVID-19 crisis, you can petition the court for a modification. At Dale L. Bernstein, Chartered Law Office, our family law attorney has more than 33 years of experience and is committed to helping individuals achieve the best possible results as efficiently and smoothly as possible. We understand how difficult this time is for everyone and will work diligently on your behalf to secure the relief you need.

Contact our law office today at (727)-862-4411 to request an appointment and discuss the details of your case.
