Initial Consultation (727)-862-4411

When you and your spouse were married, it was likely vastly easier to maintain consistent routines and rules under the same roof. However, now that you are divorced, consistency across two separate households may prove to be a little trickier. Consistency and stability are incredibly important for children, so it is crucial for you and your former spouse to work together and create a set of rules of routines for them to follow, regardless of which parent they are with.

The Advantages of Consistent Routines After a Divorce

Children thrive on predictable routines, especially after enduring such a life-altering event. Therefore, you and your co-parent must set some time aside to discuss these new rules and determine what should be carried across both households. Although your household rules and routines will not be identical, you should try to agree on the major key points, such as morning routines, after-school activities, and bedtime routines.

To establish these routines, you should ask each other some questions to determine what is most important to you and what is flexible.

Here are some questions you should ask your co-parent:

– How will you reward your children’s good behavior?

– What are the consequences of your children not complying with the rules?

– How will you explain the rules to your children?

– Should one parent be responsible for handling certain issues?

– Can you foresee any disadvantages to your approach?

– What are the benefits of the rules and routines you wish to establish?

It may seem like a lot, but the answers to these questions are essential for deciding on a routine for your children. That said, you might not get everything right the first try, so be you should both be prepared to revisit this discussion in the future if necessary. If you are both committed to this effort and willing to compromise, you can make the aftermath of your divorce go more smoothly for your children.

Reach Out to a Compassionate and Knowledgeable Divorce Attorney Today!

Divorce can be devastating for children. You and your spouse can help reduce their anxieties by working together to create consistent routines for them. If you end up running into obstacles that require legal assistance, however, reach out to the family law team at the Dale L. Bernstein, Chartered Law Office. Our family law attorney has successfully helped thousands of clients and is known for his compassion and dedication.

Call our law office today at (727)-862-4411 to set up an initial consultation and discuss the details of your case.
