Initial Consultation (727)-862-4411

Even under the most normal circumstances, co-parenting with your former spouse can present a myriad of challenges on any given day. With the recent COVID-19 pandemic, however, many new issues may arise and some even question if it is safe to take their children to visit their other parent. Even amidst this crisis, it is crucial to comply with your child custody order and make your children available for visitation. That said, given the changes in schedules, you and your co-parent should try to be flexible whenever possible and always keep your children’s best interests at heart.

Navigating the Obstacles of a Pandemic

Communication is often a problem for former spouses. However, now more than ever, effective communication is crucial, so do what you can to keep your co-parent informed of any hiccups you expect to encounter with the parenting plan. Additionally, you should work on a plan to follow through on in the event one of you or the children becomes sick.

With your children out of school, you should both seek to maintain structure in their lives. If they have questions about the pandemic or are anxious about the future, be thoughtful when answering their questions and addressing their concerns. Younger children do not need to know all of the details, but older children can likely handle more knowledge about the situation. Regardless of how much information you wish to share with them, make sure they understand the importance of hygiene.

If you have concerns about your former spouse’s exposure and ability to socially distance, and believe your children’s health is at risk, address the issue directly with your ex. If you can resolve the issue on your own, it will be easier for everyone. That said, not every issue can be mediated between former spouses. You may need to consult with a child custody attorney if you cannot work out some of these issues on your own or you believe your former spouse’s living environment is unsafe.

Reach Out to Our Knowledgeable Family Law Team Today!

None of us expected the COVID-19 pandemic that swept the globe to impact our lives in such profound ways. For divorced parents, the unique challenges they are facing raise a lot of new legal questions that require the care and attention of a skilled legal professional. At Dale L. Bernstein, Chartered Law Office, our experienced family law attorney will provide the support and knowledgeable advice you need to navigate these troubled waters while helping you protect the wellbeing of your children as well as your parental rights. Even during these uncertain times, you can rely on us to guide you through even the most complicated family law issues.

Contact our legal team today at (727)-862-4411 to set up an initial consultation with our experienced child custody attorney to discuss the details of your case. We will be conducting all consultations via phone or email, so do not hesitate to reach out to us.
