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Co-parenting with your former spouse can be a tough task for the recently divorced. You will have to relearn how to collaborate and work together to raise your children while setting aside any past unresolved issues. If you find yourself thinking this is an impossible task, you are not the only one. The first step in this process is to try to rebuild trust and to keep in mind that the focus on your relationship now is your children and their best interests.

Working Together to Raise Your Children

Raising children is challenging for most parents and even more so for those who are no longer together. If your emotional wounds still feel a little raw, consider seeking therapy or another outlet or source of support to discuss your feelings. Doing so will help avoid any outbursts that may affect your children or further deteriorate the fragile relationship you might have with your ex-spouse. The better you take care of yourself, the better you can co-parent your children as a team.

Another important element in rebuilding trust with your co-parent is consistent behavior. If you are cooperative with your ex one minute and hostile the next, it will not inspire feelings of trust in your co-parent. You will seem unpredictable, which can make your children and your ex feel insecure. Be consistent, keep your promises, and always be respectful.

Of course, you and your former spouse will undoubtedly have some disagreements as you work together to raise your children. It is important to listen carefully to one another, so you understand each other’s concerns. More importantly, if you ever feel you are wrong, be prepared to provide a genuine apology. These small acts of goodwill can make a big difference in your relationship as parents and help build trust.

Lastly, be supportive of one another’s relationship with the children. If you see your former spouse do something great for the children, mention it. Everyone likes to be appreciated and expressing this will help both of you feel less defensive and angry.

Learn More About What Our Compassionate Family Law Team Can Do for You

The aftermath of a divorce can be just as challenging as the divorce itself in some cases. If you are unable to overcome your co-parenting challenges and need legal representation, reach out to the team at Dale L. Bernstein, Chartered Law Office. Our attorney is backed by more than 33 years of experience and is committed to providing compassionate and knowledgeable legal guidance. You can feel confident you will receive the best possible results for your case.

Contact our law office today at (727) 312-1112 to request an initial consultation to discuss the details of your family law case.
