If you have crypto, you may be worried about what will happen to this digital asset in the event of a divorce. Continuing, we will discuss how crypto might be divided as well as other ways in which this currency can impact your divorce.
Cryptocurrency (i.e. crypto) refers to virtual or digital money that is secured by cryptography and takes the form of coins. While most crypto remains intangible, some types of crypto are linked to credit cards and other physical projects. Cryptocurrency was created with the intent of streamlining existing financial architecture by making it faster and cheaper to exchange finances and goods (by removing the need for intermediaries like banks).
There are many types of cryptocurrency—the most popular of which is bitcoin. Other types of crypto include:
Crypto is considered an asset in your divorce. Thus, what happens to this digital asset is dependent on whether it is classified as a separate or marital asset. If you obtained a digital asset prior to your marriage, it will be separate property and, in most cases, is not subject to division.
However, growth in the value of the cryptocurrency or asset during your marriage may be considered marital property. The increase in value is usually subject to division in cases where both spouses:
Unless you and your spouse work out the property division terms yourself, your cryptocurrency will be divided by the court. While the court’s initial aim is to divide assets equally, either party may receive more or fewer assets if a justification can be made for an unequal distribution, including but not limited to:
Cryptocurrency may be divided in one of the following ways.
At Dale L. Bernstein, Chartered Law Office, our attorney has over three decades of legal experience, and we are committed to helping clients protect their assets and financial future during their divorce. If you or your spouse have cryptocurrency or other digital assets, we can advise you of your legal rights and options as well as help you achieve a favorable outcome with your property division agreement and divorce. Known for our dedication to excellence and for being extremely knowledgeable and qualified, you can trust our firm to help you navigate the case legalities.
Learn more about how our firm can help you by calling (727) 862-4411 or reaching out online today.