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Permanent alimony is sometimes awarded in Florida. The situations in which permanent alimony is most likely to be awarded involve marriages that are longer in duration, and in which there is a large income disparity between the two spouses. However, permanent alimony can be awarded in other situations too.

There is no mathematical formula in Florida to calculate alimony like there is for child support. Instead, a judge will take into account a variety of factors in deciding, and the decision about alimony will often lead to very different results in divorce cases that may be similar. Some other factors courts consider in awarding permanent alimony are the standard of living during the marriage, the financial resources of each party, and each spouse’s contribution to the marriage.

If permanent alimony is awarded, it only ends at the death of either spouse, or the remarriage of the spouse receiving it. Also, in some cases when the recipient spouse starts co-habitating in a supportive relationship, the alimony can be reduced.

A bill is floating around in Florida that ends permanent alimony, as well as establishes a mathematical formula for determining alimony so that results are more consistent between cases. Opponents of permanent alimony say that it’s unfair, while proponents say that permanent alimony can help a spouse who gave up her career to stay at home with children.
