Initial Consultation (727)-862-4411

It’s fairly common for parents to agree in a divorce to split the driving in a custody swap, which usually means they meet halfway, or take turns driving the kids to each other’s houses. They may agree to split the driving or share the travel expenses as part of the divorce agreement.

When one spouse moves, however, sometimes he or she thinks that the other spouse can continue to be forced to share the driving or travel expenses, even though the expenses and time involved would be much greater because of the increased distance. However, you don’t have to agree to this.

Things changed when he decided to move. You can negotiate a new plan – for example, you may agree to pay a little more in travel expenses than before, or you could agree that the kids would take fewer trips to see him in order to save money, but they could stay longer.

It’s best if you two can work something out in this situation. It would be easier on both of you and the children if you can agree to a new travel arrangement or change in visitation. If you can’t agree, you will have to go to court.

The judge will decide what is in the children’s best interests, not in the best interests of either of you, and will make a decision on the travel expenses.