Initial Consultation (727)-862-4411

Florida has a law against stalking and cyberstalking. Under the law, stalking occurs when someone intentionally, maliciously, and repeatedly follows, harasses, or cyberstalks another person. Cyberstalking occurs when someone commits a series of acts that communicate words, images, or language through email or other electronic communication that is directed at you and causes you substantial emotional distress, and serves no legitimate purpose. Silly, weird, or infrequent messages are probably not enough to constitute stalking. Threats or harassing comments should be considered cyberstalking, especially if they occur frequently.
Although cyberstalking can be just as scary as other forms of stalking, the good news is you have a paper trail. The individual’s tweets, Facebook posts, emails, or other communications can be saved and used against him or her. In addition, it’s fairly easy to block stalkers, which limits the manner in which they can communicate with you online.
If you believe you are the victim of cyberstalking, you can get an injunction for protection against stalking. There are two types of injunctions – an ex parte temporary injunction, and a final injunction. A judge may grant a temporary injunction that takes effect immediately if he or she believes that you have been stalked and/or there is an immediate and present danger of stalking. The temporary injunction is good for up to 15 days, until there can be a full hearing. A final injunction can last forever, or until either party comes back to court to ask that it be changed or cancelled.
