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Completely discontinuing all use of social media during your divorce may be a bit extreme. Divorce can be a lonely time, and social media is a good way to make connections with others at a time you may be feeling isolated.

However, it’s a good thing that you are thinking about how to limit your social media usage. While you probably don’t need to completely quit social media, you do need to think carefully about what you post during and after your divorce, especially if you are going through a heated divorce or custody battle.

The most important thing to keep in mind is to think before you post. Is there any way possible this post could be used against you in court later? For example, maybe you and a friend went to a strip club to blow off some steam, and you posted something about the outing. While that may not have had anything to do with your parenting abilities and may have occurred at a time when you didn’t have the children, it could show poor judgment and could be used against you in court.

You should also avoid saying negative things about your ex. It’s understandable to want to vent, especially when your ex is being a jerk. It can make you feel better to let others know what you are going through. However, this will never help your divorce case and can only hurt. Also, this should be common sense, but you should also not say anything bad about the judge. The judge will find out about all of your negative comments, and this could sway the judge’s decision.

Finally, you should check your privacy settings on all social media accounts. Don’t assume that the general public won’t be able to see what you post if you adjust your settings, but at the same time you should adjust your settings so that you can attempt to have more privacy.
