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There are some good reasons as well as problems with filing for divorce in January. January is the busiest time of year for most divorce attorneys – many unhappy couples choose to wait until the holidays are over before filing. Others want to make a fresh start in the New Year.

One good reason to file in January is that the holidays are over. Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, families are typically caught up in the joy of the holidays. It’s often not the best time to start the divorce process, and it can upset your children and other family members. Also, your income has been received and deposited through the end of the prior year, which may mean that your spouse will not try to hide assets such as a year-end bonus.

There are also some reasons you may not want to file in January. You may not be over the stress of the holidays, which can take a toll on all marriages. Choosing to file for divorce could be a reaction to some leftover stress which could get better with time. Also, you may not be ready to file for divorce so soon after the holidays – do you have your financial paperwork in order, and do you have enough money to pay a divorce attorney? If not, you probably are not ready to file yet.
