Initial Consultation (727)-862-4411

Divorcing your spouse can be very expensive.

The costs involved do not only include attorneys.

There are also court fees and fees for experts during your divorce to determine issues such as the valuation of property and guardianship of the children.

Despite the fact that divorce can be expensive, there are some things you can do to lessen the costs.

Here are some tips that can help reduce your divorce costs in Florida:

– Cooperate with your attorney. If your attorney asks for some documentation of something, provide it in an organized format. Most attorneys charge hourly, and the less time he or she has to spend looking for paperwork from you, the less expensive the divorce will be.

– If your attorney asks you to provide discovery as part of the case, such as producing documents or answering interrogatories, be as responsive and detailed as you can be. Again, that reduces the amount of time that must be spent, and also reduces your legal fees.

– Do not call your attorney with every question you have or every thought that runs through your mind. Unless it’s an emergency situation, wait until you have several questions, and then ask them at once in one phone call. Again, in most cases every time you pick up the phone you are subjecting yourself to fees.

– Do not fight over every single issue. The less contentious the divorce, the cheaper it is. Maybe you want to keep the dishes and the washer and dryer, but are they worth dragging the divorce out over and potentially subjecting yourself to more legal fees? Ask your attorney what is worth fighting over, and take his or her advice.

– If at all possible, avoid litigation. You may consider mediation during your divorce case instead or working with your spouse to determine the issues you agree on. Litigation is necessary in some cases, but it is very expensive and can be emotionally damaging, and can hurt relationships.
