Initial Consultation (727)-862-4411

Mediation involves settling a case without going to court.

A mediator is an impartial, trained person who helps the couple come up with potential solutions. The mediator can help both parties to look at the other point of view and come up with an agreement both sides can live with.

Mediators must meet certain requirements to become mediators in Florida, and also must undergo training.

Mediation is not binding, and the couple can leave the mediation without having agreed on anything.

There are a huge number of benefits to mediation during a divorce case, as opposed to going to court and letting a judge decide the case.

Perhaps the biggest is that the spouses are not letting their future be decided by a judge – instead, they are making their own decisions.

Mediators can help the spouses communicate to reach a decision. Once an agreement is reached, it is enforceable in Florida.

When working with a trained mediator, solutions that benefit both parties can be reached.

Mediation is typically less expensive than litigation, and it is private.

If a solution cannot be reached and the case ends up in court, that can be a very intimidating, public setting and can be extremely emotionally draining.

Also, if a couple is able to reach an agreement in mediation, it’s likely both parties will be happier with the outcome than if they went to court.

If you believe that mediation could help your divorce, speak with an attorney. Even though the goal of mediation is to stay out of court, you still need an advocate on your side who can advise you on your legal rights during the process.
