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Dale L. Bernstein, Chartered Law Office Blog

If I File For Divorce In Florida, Do I Have To Continue Putting My Income Into Our Joint Account Until The Divorce Is Final?

  • Dec 30, 2015

Until you are ordered by the court to do otherwise, you can put your money into any account you please. You should be aware (and you probably are) that if...

Can A Person In Florida With Alzheimer’s Or Dementia File For Divorce?

  • Dec 26, 2015

In Florida, with a large number of elderly retirees, this is a common issue. However, it’s also legally tricky. Some individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia who want a divorce...

What Is A Military No Contact Order & How Do I Request One?

  • Dec 18, 2015

A military no contact (also called a military protective order) is the military equivalent of a restraining order. It is issued by a military member’s command. It basically says that...

I Moved To Another State To Get Away From My Ex. Visitation With Him Traumatizes My Children. Will The Move Be Approved?

  • Dec 14, 2015

It sounds like you have already moved away, which is normally not the best way to handle the situation. If your ex-husband has custody rights and did not agree to...

Are Prenuptial Agreements Upheld In Florida Divorce Cases?

  • Dec 10, 2015

Prenuptial agreements are contracts that govern which spouse gets what assets in the event of a divorce. But because they are marriage contracts, they are considered a special type of...

My Ex Has Not Had Contact With Our Children Since The Divorce Two Years Ago. Now He Suddenly Wants A Lot Of Visitation. Will A Court Allow That In Florida?

  • Dec 6, 2015

The court wants children to have a relationship with both parents, if possible. The court will examine the entire situation, including the father’s history with the children, and why he...

Does the New Florida Law About Grandparent Visitation Give Me the Legal Right to See My Grandchildren?

  • Dec 2, 2015

[ez-toc]A new law took effect July 1 that is being heralded as the first law advancing grandparent visitation rights in Florida in decades. However, the law is extremely narrow, and...

What Can I Do to Rebuild My Credit After a Divorce in Florida?

  • Nov 28, 2015

It’s not uncommon for people to face credit problems after a divorce. It may be a challenge to pay your bills on one income. You may be stuck with debts...

My Ex Will Not Stop Harassing Me Online. Can I Get a Restraining Order in Florida?

  • Nov 20, 2015

Florida has a law against stalking and cyberstalking. Under the law, stalking occurs when someone intentionally, maliciously, and repeatedly follows, harasses, or cyberstalks another person. Cyberstalking occurs when someone commits...

My Ex and I Recently Divorced in Florida And They Took the Kids to Another Country and Did Not Come Back. What Can I Do To Get Them Back?

  • Nov 16, 2015

Your situation is much more common than you probably realize. According to the Department of Justice, an average of 200,000 children are kidnapped by a family member every year, and...