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Dale L. Bernstein, Chartered Law Office Blog

I Have Decided I’m Definitely Divorcing In 2016. Is There Anything I Should Do Now That Will Make The Process Easier In Florida?

  • Aug 8, 2015

You are in good company - divorce filings typically surge in January. People often want a clean start in the new year, and also may want to wait until after...

My Ex-Spouse Uses My Child As A Pawn To Manipulate Me, Influence My Behavior, And Find Out Information About Me. Can I Take Them To Court In Florida?

  • Aug 4, 2015

When a former spouse uses the children in a manipulative way, it can be extremely emotionally damaging for the child. Children whose parents are divorcing often experience trauma for a...

I’m Afraid That My Ex-Spouse May Attempt To Kidnap My Children. What Can I Do If I Live In Florida?

  • Jul 27, 2015

It depends what the basis is for your fears. If you have just gone through a divorce and happened to read a few stories in the news about parental kidnapping,...

I’m A Stay-At-Home Mom And I Am Going Through A Divorce In Florida. My Husband Has Quit Paying The Bills. Doesn’t He Have To Support Us Until The Divorce Is Final?

  • Jul 23, 2015

Divorces are never easy, but when one spouse has been at home for several years without an income, a divorce can be especially scary. The at-home spouse is now faced...

My Ex Is Refusing To Abide By The Holiday Visitation Schedule And Is Going Overboard On Gifts Out Of Guilt. Can I Take Them To Court In Florida?

  • Jul 21, 2015

The holiday season can be an extremely frustrating time for divorced parents. It can be difficult enough to schedule family get-togethers with extended family members, but when you also have...

I Just Got Laid Off And Am In The Process Of A Divorce In Florida. Will The Fact That I Don’t Have A Job Hurt Me When The Court Is Deciding Custody Issues?

  • Jul 19, 2015

Fortunately, custody is not determined based on who has a job and who doesn’t. Instead, it’s based on what is in the children’s best interests. That usually means that the...

What Legal Rights Does A Stepparent Have Before And After A Divorce In Florida?

  • Jul 15, 2015

Being a stepparent is almost never an easy job. A lot of issues can arise between the parents, the stepparents, and the children, that may seem difficult or impossible to...

What Can I Do To Protect My Finances At The Beginning Of My Divorce In Florida?

  • Jul 11, 2015

When many people start thinking about a divorce, one of their first considerations is what the divorce will do to their finances. It’s true that divorces can be financially devastating....

I’m In The Process Of A Divorce In Florida And I Have A Surgery Coming Up. Does My Soon To Be Ex-Spouse Get To Make Health Decisions For Me If Something Happens During The Surgery?

  • Jul 7, 2015

By law, if you are married, even if you are in the process of a divorce, your spouse is your next of kin and can make health care decisions for...

My Former Spouse Is A Resident Of Another Country And Is Attempting To Seek Custody Of The Children In That Country When I Live In Florida. Can They Do That?

  • Jul 3, 2015

Yes, he may be able to do that. If a divorce case is started here in the U.S., that doesn’t mean that the case cannot be moved to a foreign...