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Dale L. Bernstein, Chartered Law Office Blog

Will I Be Able To Get A Mortgage After My Florida Divorce?

  • Dec 23, 2014

If you have split with your spouse and you need to qualify for a mortgage, there are some financial steps you can take to make getting that mortgage a little...

I’m Worried About My Ex-Husband Passing Away And Not Being Able To Pay Child Support Any More. What Are My Legal Options In Florida?

  • Dec 19, 2014

It’s common for the court to order one or both spouses to provide life insurance in a certain amount, with a trust for your kids as beneficiary or with your...

My Ex Was Ordered To Pay Child Support And Alimony. He Is Going To Get Remarried. Will This Affect What I Receive From Him?

  • Dec 15, 2014

No, whether or not your ex-spouse gets remarried should not affect what he has to pay you. However, if your ex had additional children with his new wife, he could...

What Can I Do To Obtain Health Insurance After A Divorce In Florida?

  • Dec 11, 2014

If you are on your spouse’s health insurance policy, the best option may be COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act). It is a federal law that was designed to protect...

I Want To Relocate Out Of The State With The Children And My Ex Gave His Permission. Do I Need To Do Anything Else Or Is Simply Getting His Permission Sufficient Under Florida Law?

  • Dec 7, 2014

Getting your ex to agree to allow you to move out of state is a huge benefit for you. It is common for spouses to refuse to allow their ex-spouses...

If I’m Getting Divorced And Moving Out Of My Home In Pasco County, Florida, Do I Lose My Rights To My Home?

  • Dec 3, 2014

We’re Getting A Divorce In Pasco County And My Spouse Wants Me To Use Their Attorney – Is That A Good Idea

  • Nov 25, 2014

No, you should absolutely not agree to that, and no ethical attorney would agree to represent both spouses. In most cases in which this occurs, the attorney is actually representing...

Is Alimony Always Awarded In Pasco County, FL When One Spouse Supported The Other Spouse Through School Or Advanced Job Training?

  • Nov 21, 2014

One scenario many people think of when they think of alimony is a husband who was supported by his wife through the long process of medical school or low-paying jobs...

My Ex-Spouse Died Owing Me A Lot Of Alimony – Can I Sue Their Estate In Florida To Get A Portion Of It Back?

  • Nov 19, 2014

If your former spouse died and owed you alimony or child support at the time of his or her death, you can sue the estate to attempt to recover what...

What Types Of Questions Will My Divorce Attorney Ask Me When I Meet With Them?

  • Nov 17, 2014

It’s understandable to be nervous when you are meeting with a divorce attorney for the first time. You may not have fully accepted the state of your marriage, and you...