If you are disabled and you are living off of Social Security, and have no other significant sources of income, it’s probably unlikely that you will be ordered to pay...
It’s understandable that you are not excited about paying your former spouse alimony. You may feel that you work hard for your money, and your spouse should be required to...
FLORIDA DIVORCE LAWYER DETAILS THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF ALIMONY AWARDS One of the biggest factors in a divorce that comes to mind for a lot of divorcing spouses is how much...
Alimony is usually a hotly contested issue in a Pasco County, Florida divorce. Spouses don’t want to pay it, and in many cases the spouses who are awarded it do not...
You are required to do a mandatory financial disclosure in a Pasco County, Florida divorce. Florida law requires mandatory disclosure in order to keep the parties and the court informed...
Alimony pendente lite is alimony that is paid after a couple separates until the divorce is final. Divorces can take months or even years in some cases, and one spouse...
ALIMONY ATTORNEY IN NEW PORT RICHEY, FLORIDA In most cases in which alimony is awarded in Florida, the alimony is usually awarded in periodic payments. That means that the alimony...
Under Florida law, you are allowed to represent yourself in your divorce or alimony proceedings. Fortunately, Florida has family law forms online and at local courthouses throughout the state. However,...
It can be very frustrating when a spouse quits paying alimony, upon which you are relying to pay your bills. The court system can be extremely slow and collecting alimony...
A person receiving Social Security Disability Income who is in the process of a divorce may be concerned about getting to keep that SSDI, or how the receipt of alimony...