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Category: Alimony

What Is The Difference Between Alimony And Separate Maintenance In Pasco County, Florida & Can I Be Awarded Both In A Divorce?

  • Aug 26, 2016

Alimony is financial support that is paid by one ex-spouse to another after a marriage has legally ended. It may be for a certain time period, or could be permanent,...

I Live In New Port Richey And Get Alimony & Child Support From My Ex-Husband. He’s Filing Bankruptcy – What Happens Next?

  • Aug 18, 2016

Not necessarily. Past-due alimony and child support are not dischargeable in bankruptcy, so the bankruptcy will not wipe those out. However, because your former spouse is filing for bankruptcy, his...

My Ex Will Not Pay Alimony or Child Support And I’m Getting Evicted in Florida – Can I Move In With Family Members That Are Out Of The Area?

  • Apr 8, 2016

That sounds like a bad situation. Your ex refuses to pay alimony or child support, which has caused you to lose your home. It sounds like the only place you...

Is Florida Law Changing Regarding Alimony And Child Custody?

  • May 24, 2015

Florida law has not changed yet regarding alimony and child custody, but it could. A bill was approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee that would make equal child sharing by...

Is Permanent Alimony Likely To Be Awarded In A Florida Divorce? Are The Rules About Alimony Changing?

  • May 8, 2015

Permanent alimony is sometimes awarded in Florida. The situations in which permanent alimony is most likely to be awarded involve marriages that are longer in duration, and in which there...

I’m Considering Divorcing In Florida But Am Concerned About Alimony. Will The Court Give Us Each 50 Percent Of Our Income In Alimony?

  • Apr 5, 2015

No, a court will not necessarily make sure that you two each have the same amount of income after a divorce. A court will take a variety of factors into...

What Is The Status Of The Change In The Law Regarding Alimony And Child Custody In Florida?

  • Feb 13, 2015

For a while it appeared that big changes may be taking effect that would have restructured alimony payments and child custody in Florida. However, Governor Rick Scott vetoed the bill...

Is Alimony Always Awarded In Pasco County, FL When One Spouse Supported The Other Spouse Through School Or Advanced Job Training?

  • Nov 21, 2014

One scenario many people think of when they think of alimony is a husband who was supported by his wife through the long process of medical school or low-paying jobs...

My Ex-Spouse Died Owing Me A Lot Of Alimony – Can I Sue Their Estate In Florida To Get A Portion Of It Back?

  • Nov 19, 2014

If your former spouse died and owed you alimony or child support at the time of his or her death, you can sue the estate to attempt to recover what...

I Sometimes Get Overtime Pay – Is That Factored In To Determine What Amount Of Alimony I Have To Pay in Pasco County, Florida?

  • Nov 13, 2014

For many workers who are paid hourly, a great deal of pay can be obtained through overtime. It may seem unfair to work a lot of extra hours, and to...