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Category: Child Custody

I Want My Kids To Continue Going To Their Private School In Pasco County After Our Divorce, But My Ex Doesn’t Want To Pay For It. What Do We Do??

  • Sep 13, 2015

After a divorce, parents often do not agree about issues surrounding their children. One of the most common areas for disagreement is education. Before the divorce, the parents may have...

Can I Allow My Children To Live With My Mother Temporarily While I’m Out Of State?

  • Sep 1, 2015

Yes, allowing your children to live with another relative during your custodial time could affect your primary custody. Just because you have primary custody does not mean that you can...

I’m Afraid That My Ex-Spouse May Attempt To Kidnap My Children. What Can I Do If I Live In Florida?

  • Jul 27, 2015

It depends what the basis is for your fears. If you have just gone through a divorce and happened to read a few stories in the news about parental kidnapping,...

My Ex Is Refusing To Abide By The Holiday Visitation Schedule And Is Going Overboard On Gifts Out Of Guilt. Can I Take Them To Court In Florida?

  • Jul 21, 2015

The holiday season can be an extremely frustrating time for divorced parents. It can be difficult enough to schedule family get-togethers with extended family members, but when you also have...

I Just Got Laid Off And Am In The Process Of A Divorce In Florida. Will The Fact That I Don’t Have A Job Hurt Me When The Court Is Deciding Custody Issues?

  • Jul 19, 2015

Fortunately, custody is not determined based on who has a job and who doesn’t. Instead, it’s based on what is in the children’s best interests. That usually means that the...

What Legal Rights Does A Stepparent Have Before And After A Divorce In Florida?

  • Jul 15, 2015

Being a stepparent is almost never an easy job. A lot of issues can arise between the parents, the stepparents, and the children, that may seem difficult or impossible to...

My Former Spouse Is A Resident Of Another Country And Is Attempting To Seek Custody Of The Children In That Country When I Live In Florida. Can They Do That?

  • Jul 3, 2015

Yes, he may be able to do that. If a divorce case is started here in the U.S., that doesn’t mean that the case cannot be moved to a foreign...

I Have Joint Legal Custody In Florida Of My Children With My Ex, And We Cannot Agree On Things Like Where They Will Go To School And What Types Of Medical Treatments They Need. What Can We Do?

  • May 16, 2015

After your divorce, you may have hoped that you would never again have to talk to your ex or be required to work with him or her on anything. If...

I Want To Take My Child Out Of The Country, But I Have Been Told I Have To Get My Child’s Other Parent To Agree To Allow Him To Have A Passport. What Can I Do In Florida If I Can’t Find The Other Parent?

  • Apr 26, 2015

That’s a frustrating situation. Yes, normally in order to get a passport for your child you must get the other parent to agree. If you are unable to locate your...

After Our Florida Divorce, I Am Concerned About My Ex-Husband Being Alone With The Children. Can I Get The Visitation Supervised, And Who Will The Supervisor Be?

  • Jan 4, 2015

No, whether or not your ex-spouse gets remarried should not affect what he has to pay you. However, if your ex had additional children with his new wife, he could...