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Category: Relocation

I Am Divorced And Want To Move Away With My Children. My Children’s Grandparents Are Objecting. Do They Have The Right To Do This In Florida?

  • Jan 11, 2016

Legally, Florida grandparents have the right to seek visitation with their grandchildren in certain situations in Florida. If they do have visitation rights under law, they could also object to...

I Believe My Spouse Used Me And Married Me For A Green Card. Can I Get An Annulment Instead Of A Divorce For Fraud In Florida?

  • Jan 7, 2016

This is a very difficult, but actually common issue. Because a spouse of an American citizen is able to obtain a green card, people who are desperate to get into...

I Moved To Another State To Get Away From My Ex. Visitation With Him Traumatizes My Children. Will The Move Be Approved?

  • Dec 14, 2015

It sounds like you have already moved away, which is normally not the best way to handle the situation. If your ex-husband has custody rights and did not agree to...

My Ex and I Recently Divorced in Florida And They Took the Kids to Another Country and Did Not Come Back. What Can I Do To Get Them Back?

  • Nov 16, 2015

Your situation is much more common than you probably realize. According to the Department of Justice, an average of 200,000 children are kidnapped by a family member every year, and...

I Recently Moved to Florida. How Can I Enforce My Divorce Decree From Another State in Florida?

  • Oct 31, 2015

When you are making the decision to move to another state, you probably don’t think twice about your divorce decree. However, if your divorce decree was entered into in another...

I’m Afraid That My Ex-Spouse May Attempt To Kidnap My Children. What Can I Do If I Live In Florida?

  • Jul 27, 2015

It depends what the basis is for your fears. If you have just gone through a divorce and happened to read a few stories in the news about parental kidnapping,...

My Former Spouse Is A Resident Of Another Country And Is Attempting To Seek Custody Of The Children In That Country When I Live In Florida. Can They Do That?

  • Jul 3, 2015

Yes, he may be able to do that. If a divorce case is started here in the U.S., that doesn’t mean that the case cannot be moved to a foreign...

My Spouse Left Me And Moved To Another State And I Have Been Unable To Locate Them. Can I Still Get A Divorce In Florida?

  • Mar 1, 2015

I’m sorry to hear that. Yes, fortunately you can still get a divorce if your spouse is not able to be located. If Florida didn’t have such laws, it could...

I Want To Divorce My Spouse In Florida. If I Move Out, Do I Have To Keep Paying The Mortgage And Other Bills While We Are Separated?

  • Jan 20, 2015

It depends. If the bills are in your name or they are joint between you and your spouse, then legally you have an obligation to pay them, whether or not...

I Want To Relocate Out Of The State With The Children And My Ex Gave His Permission. Do I Need To Do Anything Else Or Is Simply Getting His Permission Sufficient Under Florida Law?

  • Dec 7, 2014

Getting your ex to agree to allow you to move out of state is a huge benefit for you. It is common for spouses to refuse to allow their ex-spouses...